Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Van Gogh, Queen's Day Aftermath

I have finally been able to get on to the internet in our room -- turns out their server just couldn't handle the traffic of a full hotel.

David and I finally found a cafe that serves coffee "Americano" with an espresso shot, which is apparently the equivalent of a large Starbucks coffee. Oh the irony that every "coffee house" in Amsterdam doesn't actually serve coffee! Most people seem to drink espressos or cappucinos. Or fresh juices. But mostly beer.

As we walked around with our coffees, we were astounded at the amount of trash everywhere. Even now, clean up crews are just beginning to make a dent. Again, imagine ever single neighborhood in San Francisco having an all-day flea market followed by all-night partying, and you can begin to see how much trash can pile up. Plus glass! Lots of it!

We went to the Van Gogh museum today, located in the museum quarter, or "Museumplein." I can't really do it justice other than to say that it's all at once breath-taking, mind-boggling and amazingly beautiful. There was also a special exhibit on Max Beckhamm, a local artist with an amazing talent. Naturally right before we got there my camera ran out of juice. Oops.

After a bout of tourist leg, we found a really nice cafe and had a traditional dutch lunch of beef croquettes with fries and of course, a beer. Eating in Amsterdam is such a treat because you can take your time. Servers to not ever offer to bring the check, making it always the responsibility of the patron to settle the bill when they're ready.

I also love that yesterday, no matter where we were, if there was a toilet, there was always a toilet attendent to whom you paid a toll of .50. TANSTAAFL (pronounced TAN-STAHFULL) - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. Something for something. Or go outside and use a "pee-osk" (I liked the name pubicule better).